Cloud Strategy for Business

Mitigates risk by contractual methods:

Traditional infrastructure stacks look to technical means to mitigate risk around security, business continuity technology such as back-up, high availability and replication. Our Cloud Infrastructure Strategy mitigates these risks by contractual means with Systems Integrator Cloud Service Provider enterprise service level agreements.

Provides utility based charging:

Utility based charging or charging per consumption is recognized as a method for ensuring usage is charged for and non-usage is not charged for. Where cloud computing reduces or eliminates overcapacity within IT, the overall unit cost of providing those IT services would be expected to fall.

Introduces real economies of scale:

Cloud service providers are expected to provide economies of scale. They build the infrastructure and support for multiple customers and consumers. Resources to be scaled up and down quickly, matching increases and decreases in demand for IT Services. Cloud computing allows a short-notice increase in demand for IT services to be met. Auto-allocation of compute resources, pre-emptive planning, cloud bursting and spot cloud computing are all methods which can be used to scale resources up and down quickly, matching increases and decreases in demand for IT services.

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